Chicago late call
Wheat 6-8c lower. The US is starting to realise that it is far from the only shop in town on the wheat front and the solid downtrend looks set to continue.
"It seems farmers around the world responded to high prices in wheat by expanding wheat plantings, said Vic Lespinasse (specialist subject the bleeding obvious). Recent talk of strong production potential in the E.U. and China is bearish, he said. "
Cheers Vic for that incredible insight. It's the first we've heard of it, so we'll keep an eye out for increased production numbers now that you've given us the nod.
Beans up 3-5c. Tight supplies, Argy Bargy. Sadly, Vic had no little secrets to let us into on the soya market.
Corn down 2-3c. Something to do with overnight action, not that Vic has probably seen much of that himself mind. Vic has heard however that it's a bit wet in the midwest & suggests that we monitor the situation, so remember where you heard that one first, from good old Uncle Vic. Nudge, nudge, wink, wink.
"It seems farmers around the world responded to high prices in wheat by expanding wheat plantings, said Vic Lespinasse (specialist subject the bleeding obvious). Recent talk of strong production potential in the E.U. and China is bearish, he said. "
Cheers Vic for that incredible insight. It's the first we've heard of it, so we'll keep an eye out for increased production numbers now that you've given us the nod.
Beans up 3-5c. Tight supplies, Argy Bargy. Sadly, Vic had no little secrets to let us into on the soya market.
Corn down 2-3c. Something to do with overnight action, not that Vic has probably seen much of that himself mind. Vic has heard however that it's a bit wet in the midwest & suggests that we monitor the situation, so remember where you heard that one first, from good old Uncle Vic. Nudge, nudge, wink, wink.