Chinese Baby Milk - Do You Want Interior Or Exterior?

Hot on the heels of the tainted baby milk scandal comes news that melamine is being widely used in China to give livestock feed the appearance of higher protein content.

Melamine, a chemical normally used in plastics, is rich in nitrogen - an element often used to measure protein - and can be used to disguise diluted milk.

The banned chemical was found illegally mixed into many baby milk formula brands by some dairy manufacturers, including the Hebei-based Sanlu Group, to fool inspectors.

Last year, the chemical hit the headlines when melamine-laced food additives produced in China and later used in pet food were blamed by US officials for the deaths of dogs and cats there.

In the aftermath of the pet food scandal, regulators ordered that from May all livestock feed be tested for melamine in accordance with Ministry of Agriculture standards.

However, mainland authorities have been under fire since admitting that dairy products were not subject to melamine testing before the Sanlu powdered milk contamination scandal began to unfold, even though such checks had been ordered on livestock feed since May.