Heavy Rain Finally In The Forecast For Argentina
Yes, heavy rain, not "isolated scattered showers" is finally in the forecast for Argentina. And boy do they need it, with most areas having had no more than two inches since Dec 1st, compared with a normal rainfall of 8 inches.
My favourite South American weather website is predicting 0.69 inches on Saturday night followed by 1.59 inches on Sunday. And it doesn't end there, with more decent rains in the forecast for the period 4-12 Feb.
Will the rains arrive & even if they do are they too late?
Here's the forecast for 4-12 Feb:
My favourite South American weather website is predicting 0.69 inches on Saturday night followed by 1.59 inches on Sunday. And it doesn't end there, with more decent rains in the forecast for the period 4-12 Feb.
Will the rains arrive & even if they do are they too late?
Here's the forecast for 4-12 Feb: