Breaking Weather News

My man Jose in Uruguay has emailed me this morning to say:

"Since 21.30 hrs of the 02/02/2009 there are being really heavy rains in all the Buenos Aires province, Rosario (Santa Fe), Cordoba and Entre Rios.

In Rosario it was 50 mm in 1 hour!!! And it continue raining. I recommend you this web site for Argentina:

In Uruguay we already had rains last week, and this one it’s really general all around the most important soybean complex from Argentina."

Thanks, Jose.

Anyone checking out the website will need to speak Spanish/Portuguese, but it does mention for Central Buenos Aires: Precipitación: 117.6 mm (I am assuming that means in the last 24 hours), that's about 4 1/2 inches.

The website I use is giving "very heavy rain" for Thursday night too.

Too little too late, or saved by the hand of God?

eCBOT doesn't seem to know any of this yet as it's only 1-2c down on beans and corn.