US Has Driest Start To Year Since Records Began
The US has had the driest Jan/Feb since records began in 1895, says Allen Motew of QT Weather.

Particularly hard hit has been the HRW belt from W Texas into SW Kansas, with only the Dakotas, Minnesota and Michigan escaping, he adds.
March rains have been above normal in parts of the Corn Belt, Mid-Atlantic region and South but dry weather has continued in W Kansas and the HRW belt.
The next chance for appreciable rain crossing Kansas and the HRW belt will be next week in the Tuesday-Thursday period. Meanwhile minor rainfall will occur Thursday to Sunday (less than 0.30inches) with temperatures averaging far above normal (+3 to +12), Motew concludes.

Particularly hard hit has been the HRW belt from W Texas into SW Kansas, with only the Dakotas, Minnesota and Michigan escaping, he adds.
March rains have been above normal in parts of the Corn Belt, Mid-Atlantic region and South but dry weather has continued in W Kansas and the HRW belt.
The next chance for appreciable rain crossing Kansas and the HRW belt will be next week in the Tuesday-Thursday period. Meanwhile minor rainfall will occur Thursday to Sunday (less than 0.30inches) with temperatures averaging far above normal (+3 to +12), Motew concludes.