Global Crop Weather Highlights

- Kansas missed heavy snow; weekend precipitation followed a southern storm instead; drought persisting in US hard red winter wheat
- Top Brazil soy state Mato Grosso getting beneficial heavy rain alleviating dryness that worsened in December; now South Brazil faces a dry forecast; tables have turned; watching Rio Grande do Sul for emerging drought
- Small but intense area of hot, dry weather in North Argentina, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
- Wet conditions will persist in Western Europe again this week along with mild temps; winter crops may be coaxed out of dormancy
- Stormy, wet weather has redeveloped in southeastern Australia wheat, stalling the harvest; cool and cloudy forecast will slow drying
- Drought continues in North China Plain wheat zone; very cold temperatures keeping wheat dormant; Northeast China temps -20 F in the corn-soy belt; deep layer frost
- India dry monsoon season continues; no important rainfall in winter rapeseed and rice areas
- Black Sea wheat area much colder forcing winter wheat into dormancy; unusual December warmth extended growing season
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