Posted by Nogger - a legend in his own mind at 16:47 | Categorized as weather

18/01/11 -- World agri-weather highlights from the excellent
Martell Crop Projections:
- Persistent northern US storm track increasing the snow pack; northern Midwest corn area insulated by deep snow; lucky considering the coming cold wave
- Top Brazil soy state Mato Grosso doing better with rainfall in January, soybeans are filling pods; favourable wet forecast in South Brazil soybeans Parana and Rio Grande do Sul
- Argentina grain belt will get some rain this week, but not enough for developing crops; cool night temps ideal for Buenos Aires crops holding down evaporation
- Northern Europe now in a drier weather pattern; excellent heavy rain last week reversed dry soil conditions; balmy temperatures will vanish this week forcing winter grains back into dormancy
- Better harvesting weather this week in Southern Australia wheat, mostly dry and sunny, low humidity, warm temperatures
- Feast or famine in China; persistently dry in North China Plain damaging winter wheat; too much rain in central-southern China rapeseed
- India weather unremarkable in dry winter monsoon; warm forecast not welcome in western areas that grow rapeseed
- Russia Black Sea wheat got spotty showers Sunday, not nearly enough to offset serious winter drought in Stavropol, Rostov, eastern Krasnodar; wheat dormant with a cold forecast ahead
- Ukraine winter crops will have plenty of field moisture come spring; winter has brought heavy snows; warming temps this week may cause ice crusts in southern Ukraine