World Crop Weather Highlights

13/01/11 -- World agri-weather highlights from Martell Crop Projections:

  • Sub-zero overnight lows in Kansas winter wheat; No rain predicted in HRW this week as temperatures moderate

  • Scanty rainfall in Brazil forecast next 7 days; Mato Grosso normally gets 40-45 mm per week (1.65 ") in the peak monsoon

  • Hot 90s F have returned to SW Argentina; Cordoba-Santa Fe crops coming under moisture stress in January; rainfall forecast indicates variable showers

  • Rain keeps coming to France, UK, Benelux, Germany, Sweden; favorable for winter wheat and rapeseed; warm forecast suggests crop growth is possible following very cold December

  • Heavy rain for second straight day in Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia growing areas; forecast threatening for more; not sure how much wheat is still left in the field

  • Cold dry weather persists in North China Plain wheat where crop is dormant; rain is badly needed in a super dry winter. Northeast China corn and soy fields are subject to deep layer frost with bitter cold

  • When will it rain in Southern Russia? Ukraine winter crops have adequate soil moisture in winter but Black Sea wheat in Russia is dry