Posted by Nogger - a legend in his own mind at 09:21 | Categorized as weather

20/01/11 -- World agri-weather highlights from
Martell Crop Projections:
- Hard red wheat getting useful precipitation; Kansas snowing today, more expected Saturday
- Brazil showers in Mato Grosso continue, soybeans improving; wet forecast in Rio Grande do Sul is beneficial
- Argentina Buenos Aires province received showers last night, 2nd time in a week, soil moisture improving; scattered rain expected in Santa Fe province; still way too hot in Argentina northern grain belt
- Europe January weather has turned rainy and mild, less harsh than December; Western Europe rapeseed and winter wheat emerging from dormancy, growing slowly; Mediterranean storm track getting active
- Australia wheat areas drying out, heating up; better grain drying and harvesting weather, finally
- China cold and dry except southern rice provinces; colder winter weather continues, rapeseed, wheat are dormant
- India subcontinent abnormally warm, highs in the 80s-low 90s F; overwintering rapeseed and wheat would benefit from rain, none in forecast
- Beneficial precipitation received yesterday in Russia Black Sea wheat, eased severe drought in Stavropol district; Volga winter wheat expecting big snow event Sunday-Tuesday