World Weather Highlights

04/01/11 -- World agri-weather highlights from Martell Crop Projections:

  • Northern Kansas may receive useful precipitation this week. The wheat forecast continues dry in TX, OK and southwest KS

  • SW Argentina rainfall outlook is reduced in the key corn producing areas; still some 1-inch amounts indicated

  • Strong warming in Western Europe will melt away snow; dry and cold conditions will persist in the far northern growing areas

  • Eastern Australia expecting more rain; flooding has occurred in Queensland
    and northern NSW wheat areas; harvest progress unknown

  • Bitterly cold air covers Northeast China, Kazakhstan, Asian Russia; east
    Siberia temperatures -35 Fahrenheit (-31 C) overnight

  • Unusually warm in Russia Black Sea wheat; mild temps to continue; arctic
    blast if it occurred would cause winterkill

  • Middle East weather has reverted back to a warm and dry pattern; suspect
    moisture stress in winter wheat