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Corn: corn hit fresh contract highs today and are now very close to all-time highs set back in the euphoria of 2008. Export sales were at the upper end of trade estimates at a combined total of 1,168,700 MT, prompting funds to buy an estimated 15,000 contracts on the day. Strategie Grains cut their EU-27 corn crop estimate by 300,000 MT to 58.3 MMT.
Wheat: CBOT March wheat rose 13 3/4c to USD8.50 3/4 a bushel whilst KCBT March jumped 23 1/4c to USD9.53 1/4 and MGEX March climbed 23 1/2c to USD9.81. Export sales were strong at 726,300 MT against expectations of 400 - 600 TMT. EU soft wheat export licences cam in at 356,000 MT, a big step up from last week, but less than needed to meet USDA targets.