Posted by Nogger - a legend in his own mind at 11:25 | Categorized as
14/02/11 -- With grain prices at these levels some of you might fancy buying a bit of extra farmland right? Well when I say a bit, I mean quite a large bit. The largest farm in the world has just come up for sale: Location, Location, Location
Worked in agriculture for over 30 years as a shipper, merchant, trader & broker, but still hasn't got the faintest idea what he's talking about.
Likes beer apparently, so why not do the decent thing an hit the donate button you tight bastard?
He can also provide content for your website like market reports and commodity prices. And if you haven't got a website he can design one for you. In short, the man's a bloody genius.
All comments on this website are the sole opinion of the author, and are not capable of nor intended to constitute professional advice. Neither can Nogger give any guarantee for the accuracy of any of the information or data contained within this site.
The guy is clearly deranged and you should almost certainly ignore everything that he says.