Posted by Nogger - a legend in his own mind at 19:13 | Categorized as

15/02/11 -- World agri-weather highlights from the excellent
Martell Crop Projections:
- Wet conditions Pacific NW will travel south into California, symptomatic of weakening La Nina; strong warming inducing wheat growth, will reveal if winter kill occurred in HRW wheat; massive run-off in Midwest with rapid snowmelt
- Mato Grosso getting excellent rain to finish pod filling in soybeans; Monday was wet Parana Brazil, ideal growing season persisting in this key soybean and corn state; cooling trend expected in Paraguay never materialized
- Quiet in Argentina grain belt, no rain yesterday; temperatures creeping higher in La Pampa, Cordoba, Santa Fe; soil moisture still good: rain would be welcome with increasing heat; showers expected Friday-Saturday
- Spotty showers yesterday France, Low Countries, Spain; badly needed, virtually no rain past 30 days; wet forecast welcome Italy and Balkans, also super-dry; winter thaw, warmth causing growth in winter wheat, rapeseed
- Unusually wet conditions in Australia interior, New South Wales and Victoria; extreme heat absent; temperatures cooler than normal SE Australia summer crops; Western Australia got useful rain, still not enough
- Snow some heavy in North China winter wheat, Hebei and Shandong; winter wheat dormant sub-freezing temps; Heilongjiang soy province very cold, single digits F; key corn province Jilin 15-18 F Monday; warm-up predicted
- India winter wheat wet yesterday; beneficial rain Punjab, Haryana Uttar Pradesh; unsettled weather to continue; cooler temps also helpful for wheat; still too hot India interior, stressful for non-irrigated rapeseed
- Bitter cold in European Russia Monday, highs single digits F Belarus; winter wheat protected by snow Black Earth and Volga, also very cold; stormy weather, beneficial rain affecting Turkey wheat, may spread to Middle East