Posted by Nogger - a legend in his own mind at 19:43 | Categorized as weather

28/02/11 -- World agri-weather highlights from
Martell Crop Projections:
- Heavy rain hit Eastern Midwest Sunday, second major storm in a week: flooding occurring; forecast calling for more heavy rain; still very cold northern US, subzero F nights; snow persisting Upper Midwest, northern spring wheat
- Brazil Mato Grosso soybeans heavy rainfall yesterday; way above normal rain past 2 weeks; South Brazil relatively dry since mid February; same weather pattern to prevail this week
- Warm days, cool nights Argentina grain belt; soil moisture favourable Cordoba, Santa Fe, Entre Rios; too dry and warm in the southwest Argentina, La Pampa and western Buenos Aires
- Europe warm west, cold east; dominant Feb weather pattern; recent rain helpful in France but still way too dry; 2-4 inch moisture deficits Jan-Feb; severe dryness also in Slovakia, Hungary, Balkans; dry forecast, no relief
- Western Australia very hot 98 to 103 F; rain is predicted; spotty showers yesterday in northern New South Wales, February has been dry; forecast continues wet north Australia tropics
- China showers Sunday in winter wheat, up to 0.80 inch, drought easing; cool temperatures slowing wheat growth; forecast becoming favourably wet in Central-East China rapeseed; rain badly needed, also too dry
- Cool, showery weather Pakistan, Northwest India favours winter wheat development; unsettled conditions to continue with below-normal temps; wheat yield potential good and improving
- Russia winter wheat stuck in cold wintry pattern; cold high pressure prevails; very dry and cold February in Ukraine, Russia, Black Sea winter wheat; more of the same this week in forecast