Chicago Close

Corn: CBOT Mar corn fell 13 1/4c to USD7.14 a bushel, CBOT May corn was down 14c to USD7.21 1/2 a bushel. Funds sold an estimated hefty 16,000 contracts on the day, with prices approaching limit down at one stage. Unwinding of long corn short wheat spreads maybe did some damage. Weekly export sales from the USDA tomorrow are expected to be in the 1 MMT region for the fourth week in a row.
Wheat: CBOT May wheat rose 1c to USD8.11 1/4 a bushel; KCBT May fell 2c to USD9.10 and MGEX May was up 1c to USD9.40 1/2. The USDA confirmed the sale of 220,000 MT of US wheat to unknown, although trade talk suggests that this may have been the weekend business to Saudi Arabia. Japan is expected to buy US wheat tomorrow and South Korea are in the market.