Chicago Close

Corn: May 11 corn closed at USD6.86 1/2, up 3 cents; Dec 11 corn closed at USD6.09 1/2, up 11 cents. Argentina’s Ag ministry pegs corn production there at 20.8 MMT. For all the talk of US corn sales to China all we have to go on is sales of 116,000 MT to "unknown" last Thursday and again similar today. Sales of 1-2 MMT is what the trade chatter suggests, but as each day passes without official confirmation from the USDA this looks more and more unlikely. Weekly corn export inspections of 29.503 million bushels were a bit below trade estimates.
Wheat: May 11 CBOT wheat closed at USD7.21, down 2 cents; May 11 KCBT wheat closed at USD8.42, down 3 cents; May 11 MGEX wheat closed at USD8.69 1/4, up 1 3/4 cents. USDA export inspections of 25.749 million bushels were in line with expectations. "US hard red wheat area remains hot and dry in the Southern Plains. Wheat is deteriorating without rain to compensate and there is no precipitation in the 7-day forecast," say Martell Crop Projections. Elsewhere the North China Plain wheat received welcome rain of 0.40 to 1.2 inches over the weekend, the first moisture in 3-4 weeks," they add.