This Is England, Isn't It?

At the end of the day this is England isn't it, and not North Africa. This picture of a field of rapeseed (click to enlarge) here in North Yorkshire taken over the weekend hardly shows a stunted and sparse crop wilting on it's knees.
A walk with Nogger's dog this morning (unfortunately sans camera) took me into a field of nearby wheat. This particular walk I only do occasionally on what is far from being prime northern arable land, and the crop also looked surprisingly strong an vigorous.
There seems to be a general consensus that another fortnight of no, or only trace amounts of rain really will see some damage done, especially on lighter land and amongst 2nd and later drilled wheat. Unfortunately that is exactly what is in the forecast.
It's a pity that they can't bring Wimbledon fortnight forward to the beginning of May, that would sort the job out.
New crop Nov London wheat is almost GBP3.00/tonne higher this morning, with Paris wheat around EUR4.00/tonne higher. Partly playing catch-up with Chicago from Friday and Monday night, where the May contract gained 41c, and partly reflecting another dry weekend here.