Chicago Close

Corn: July CBOT corn ended down 9 1/4c at USD6.60 3/4 per bushel; Dec corn closed down 5 1/4 cents to USD6.26 3/4. Funds just don't fancy corn anymore, selling an estimated 8,000 lots on the day. The weekly export inspections report came in well below trade estimates of 33-39 million bushels at just under 29 million. After the close the USDA pegged good/excellent crop ratings down 2 points from last week to a still healthy 68%. The USDA reported 230,000 MT of corn sold to unknown - 130,000 MT of old crop and 100,000 MT of new crop. Corn acreage for Thursday's report is estimated roughly unchanged from last month at 90.767 million acres.
Wheat: CBOT July wheat fell 13c to USD6.22 3/4 per bushel; KCBT July wheat dropped 20c to USD7.28 1/2; MGEX ended down 20 1/4c to USD8.05 3/4. Harvest pressure continues with better than expected yields and quality coming out of Kansas. After the close the USDA pegged winter wheat harvesting at 44% complete, up from 31% last week and 37% normally. Good/excellent conditions fell one point to 35% however. Spring wheat plantings are only 95% done as opposed to 100% normally. For Thursday's USDA report all wheat acres are estimated at 56.671 million against 57.70 million previously, although well up on 53.603 million last year.