Russian Harvest Results

The wheat harvest came in at 59.4 MMT in bunker weight, 37% more than last year's production. Last season's drought-damaged crop came in 4.6% lower in clean weight, whilst in 2009 it was 2.5% lower. If we work in the middle of those two this year then we are looking at a clean weight crop of around 57.4 MMT in 2011 (the USDA currently say 56 MMT).
For barley Russia brought in a bunker weight crop of 17.7 MMT, say the Ministry. That's almost double last season's output. Using the same mean bunker to clean ratio of the last two seasons that suggests a clean weight crop of 16.8 MMT this year (USDA - 16.5 MMT).
In addition the country has harvested 8.5 MMT of sunflower seed (up 77% on 2010), over 1 MMT of rapeseed (up 50%) and 1.6 MMT of soybeans (up 33%). The corn harvest currently stands at 5.8 MMT in bunker weight, a 115% increase on last year.