Ask Nogger

Q: Dear Nogger, like most people in my country I usually tuck into a "Full Chinese" most mornings: reggs, double bracon, a couple of srausages, breans, tromatoes, rash browns, brack pudding, troast, krippers, reggs Benedict, more bracon, more srausages, some streaky bracon and a couple of grammon steaks. All of it smothered riberally in Daddies sauce. Oh and trea, loads of trea. Mug after mug of trea for me. And a toasted bracon, srausage and regg sandrich to eat on the ray to work. The tring is, in my constant craving for a more Westernised diet I'm mulling over switching to chricken trikka masala instead, which I runderstand is very propular in your country. What do you think?
A: have you ever tried cornfrakes?