Morning Snippets

India's wheat harvest this year will amount to a record 87.5 MMT, according to the USDA's agricultural attache there. Slightly less than the Indian government's official estimate of 88.3 MMT, but nevertheless still a record volume.
It's rumoured that the Indians may be about to sell 3 MMT of wheat with Iran, if only they can sort out how Iran will pay for the stuff. A similar deal is said to be under negotiation between Iran and Pakistan with the latter maybe taking fertiliser in exchange.
"We don't want a humanitarian crisis, not at the prices that these guys are willing to pay," said nobody in particular.
"The new rainfall outlook is very wet in the Central Argentina grain belt in Cordoba, Santa Fe and northern Buenos Aires, all important soybean provinces. The demise of La Nina has been very favourable for late-filling soybeans in Argentina with drenching rainfall over the past 4-5 weeks," say Martell Crop Projections.