73.9 Million Isn't Enough

Local forecasts are lower. AgRural cut their 2011/12 Brazilian soy estimate by 2% last week to 66.7 MMT. The Buenos Aires Exchange peg the Argentine soybean crop at 45 MMT, the Ag Ministry say 44.0 MMT and the Rosario Exchange 44.5 MMT.
It seems likely therefore that the USDA are, shall we say, a little optimistic that production will "only" be down 21 MMT. To kick off the coming season then the lowest US soybean plantings since 2007 aren't really what the doctor ordered to remedy the inevitable strong demand from China.
A serious weather scare in the US this summer (and who would want to bet heavily against that?) could really set the cat amongst the pigeons, especially if backed by heavy fund buying (and who would want to bet against that either?) - USD14/bu could look cheap, very cheap.