Chicago Up Again, With Old Crop Gaining The Most

Corn: May 12 Corn closed at USD6.53, up 29 cents; Dec 12 Corn closed at USD5.38 3/4, up 3 3/4 cents. On the week overall May 12 corn was up 40 1/2 cents and Dec 12 up 2 cents. As with soybeans it was old crop that did almost all the gaining this week. The USDA today reported a whopping 1.44 MMT of new crop to "unknown" along with 120,000 MT of old crop to China in what was said to be the largest one day corn sale since 1991. Following reports of smaller sales earlier in the week, his brings the total sales to China/unknown to over 2.8 MMT this week, with almost 700 TMT of it coming off an already very tight old crop position. We now have front month May 12 at a USD1.14 1/4 cent premium to Dec 12 compared with 75 3/4 cents just a week ago. The trade already seems to be banking on an early harvest to alleviate some of this old crop tightness.
Wheat: May 12 CBOT Wheat closed at USD6.42 1/4, up 16 1/4 cents; May 12 KCBT Wheat closed at USD6.46 1/2, up 7 1/4 cents; May 12 MGEX Wheat closed at USD7.74, up 6 1/4 cents. For the week Chicago wheat added 26 1/2 cents, Kansas was up 20 1/2 cents and Minneapolis fell 17 cents. Spillover support from corn helped wheat today, along with widespread talk that the acute tightness in old crop corn is and will continue to boost demand for wheat from the feed sector. There's some continued talk of too dry in the south and freeze potential in the north. The Commitment of Traders report shows funds reducing their net short position in Chicago wheat by 11,500 contracts for the week through to Tuesday. Trade estimates have them further cutting that short by a similar amount since.