Chicago Close - Friday

Corn: May 12 Corn closed at USD6.62 1/4, up 11 1/2 cents; Dec 12 Corn closed at USD5.24 1/4, down 5 1/4 cents. Corn has done the opposite to beans this week, with old crop and new crop growing ever further apart. On the week overall May 12 corn gained 9 1/2 cents whilst Dec 12 fell 14 1/2 cents. The USDA announced the sale of 116,000 MT of new crop corn to South Korea and 240,000 MT to Mexico today. Informa pegged US spring corn plantings at 96.1 million acres, 0.2 million higher than the USDA said last month and 4.2 million up on last year. They also pegged Brazil's corn crop at 66 MMT which is 4 MMT more than the USDA forecast. Argentine corn production was estimated at 21.5 MMT, similar to the USDA. A USD4/barrel collapse in the price of crude oil following a poor jobs report and an OPEC announcement that they are pumping much more oil than official targets demand weighed on the market.
Wheat: May 12 CBOT Wheat closed at USD6.03 3/4, down 4 1/2 cents; May 12 KCBT Wheat closed at USD6.13 3/4, down 7 cents; May 12 MGEX Wheat closed at USD7.40, down 3 cents. For the week Chicago wheat was 38 1/2 cents lower, Kansas fell 32 3/4 cents and Minneapolis 34 cents. Finishing at USD6.09 1/2 new crop Jul 12 CBOT wheat set a contract lifetime closing low. Reports of potentially record yield potential from the Kansas wheat tour and that Oklahoma is likely to see it's output more than double in 2012 according to the Oklahoma Wheat Commission was bearish for new crop. Informa increased their US winter wheat production estimate to 45 MMT, up 0.6 MMT from last month and 4.3 MMT above output in 2011. They also pegged the spring wheat area at 13.5 million acres, some 1.5 million higher than the USDA estimated last month.