EU Wheat Close

Frankly, London wheat is becoming more and more of a joke, having less correlation to the physical market than ever. It remains to be seen how much longer this charade can carry on for with a new Black Sea wheat future set to begin trading next month.
FranceAgriMer say that the soft wheat crop there is now rated 65% good/excellent, up two percentage points on a week following plentiful April rains.
Brussels issued 164TMT of soft wheat export licences this week, down by more than a quarter on last week.
With only 8 weeks to go to the end of the marketing year, EU-27 soft wheat exports are down by almost a third on year ago levels, a situation unlikely to improve given current unadvantageous pricing structures.
The Ukraine Ag Ministry said that Ukraine exported 17.8 MMT of grains from July 1st through to May 3rd, an 80% increase on a year ago. They also added that they will export 2.0-2.2 MMT/month in May-Jun, bringing the entire 2011/12 marketing year exports to around 22 MMT.
The UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation say that world wheat production in the coming season will come in at 675 MMT, 3.6% down on last year but broadly in line with other estimates from the likes of the IGC who said 676 MMT late last month.