24/05/12 -- Agritel report this morning that the Ukraine grain harvest is likely to total 45.0-47.50 MMT this season. Corn's share of production has increased dramatically over the past couple of years, whether by design or default, with output this year pegged at 23.0-25.5 MMT, around half of the total cereal harvest. That beats last season's record production of 22.8 MMT, according to the USDA.
Wheat production is seen at 12-14 MMT this year, versus the USDA's total of 22.1 MMT in 2011.
My agronomist chum over there, Mike Lee, tweets this morning that there's been heavy rain over much of Ukraine this morning, including the needy south and the east. He's also posted a picture up of a healthy looking field of Ukraine wheat at the flag leaf stage