Chicago Closing Comments

Corn: Forward months only posted losses of around 4-5 cents on corn, where the feeling is that much of the damage is irreversible. Funds sold an estimated 12,000 corn contracts on the day, making them net sellers of around 20-25,000 lots over the last two sessions. Even so they are still heavily long. Reports suggest that Brazilian corn is now being shipped into the US. There is also some talk of significantly lower demand from the feed sector with corn prices around USD8/bu and of livestock being finished off at lower weights to partially compensate for prices at or near record highs. A Reuters survey reports corn yields now being estimated not much above 130bpa on a national level compared to the USDA's 146bpa that surprised the trade only a couple of weeks ago.
Wheat: Wheat finished the day with losses of around 30-35 cents across each of the three exchanges, with funds estimated to have been net sellers of some 8,000 contracts in Chicago. Harvesting in the EU is now moving on at a pace with some dry and fine weather for most. The US winter wheat harvest is 82% complete and the spring wheat harvest 12% done already, a testament to the dry weather. Yields for the latter look similar to last year. The sharply lower US corn crop will undoubtedly lead to increased wheat usage in the feed ration this year, but with wheat prices still a dollar a bushel more than corn the switch may not be as large as some might think. Meanwhile, the firm dollar and weak euro could dent US wheat exports too.