Chicago Closing Comments - Friday

Corn: Mar 13 Corn closed at USD7.36, down 4 1/2 cents; May 13 Corn closed at USD7.37 3/4, down 4 1/4 cents. For the week as a whole that pegs Mar 13 corn up 15 1/4 cents. Funds were said to have been net sellers of around 5,000 contracts on the day. Informa pegged Brazil's corn crop at 70.3 MMT and Argentina's at at 25 MMT. Both those are a little lower than the USDA's 75 MMT and 28 MMT respectively. The USDA's Argentina attaché estimated the corn crop there at 27.5 MMT. Unlike soybeans, there's still plenty of corn left to export in Brazil. The Trade Ministry placed January exports at 3.37 MMT versus 2.79 MMT in December and up dramatically on 846,900 MT in January 2012. The US Energy Dept say that 36 US ethanol plants are currently idle, accounting for around 15% of national capacity. Meanwhile cattle numbers as of Jan 1st were said to be the lowest since 1952 at 89.3 million head. Neither of those two bits of news bode well for US corn demand. Whether the forecast South American weekend rains deliver will decide where the market goes on Monday. "Scattered showers have occurred in Argentina the past 36 hours, but a dry forecast is set to resume in the next 7 days. Recurring high pressure continues to have a stabilizing effect on Argentina weather. Brazil's two southernmost farm states (Rio Grande do Sul and Parana) are expecting scattered showers with the same cool front that triggered rainfall in Argentina, moving up from the south. The Brazil forecast is somewhat wetter than indicated yesterday, especially in Parana, where 1-1.5 inch rains are now predicted. Southern Brazil has grown progressively drier, along with Argentina, with much below-normal January rainfall," say Martell Crop Projections.
Wheat: Mar 13 CBOT Wheat closed at USD7.65, down 14 1/2 cents; Mar 13 KCBT Wheat closed at USD8.22, down 15 3/4 cents; Mar 13 MGEX Wheat closed at USD8.51 3/4, down 13 1/4 cents. For the week Mar 13 Chicago wheat was 11 1/2 cents lower, with Kansas down 7 1/2 and Minneapolis falling 13 1/4 cents, with all of those losses coming today. Fund selling in Chicago wheat today was estimated at around 5,000 contracts. There's talk that the Russian Prime Minister is to hold a meeting next week to discuss suspending the 5% grain import tax until August 1st 2013. Egypt announced a late wheat tender, the US should stand a good chance of being successful in that. India keep picking up business from Asia, the Middle East and Africa. Yesterday's US weekly export sales fell short of the level required to hit the USDA's projected target for 2012/13. There was some talk last month that the USDA may decide to lower that projection in the January report, although they subsequently didn't. Maybe they will do so in the February report due next Friday? South Korea bought 35 TMT of Australian noodle quality wheat for April shipment along with 55 TMT of new crop Ukraine wheat. The USDA attaché in Argentina estimated the wheat crop at 10.3 MMT. Informa went even lower coming out with a forecast of 9.5 MMT, which falls in the middle of estimates from the Rosario Grain Exchange (9.3 MMT) and the Buenos Aires Grain Exchange (9.8 MMT). The USDA attaché forecast Argentine wheat exports at a 24-year low of just 4.3 MMT. Theirs is not just a volume issue but also one of quality this season. The Ukraine Ag Ministry said Ukraine exported 16.3 MMT of grains between July and the end of January, up 47% from 11.07 MMT a year ago. That total included 6.14 MMT of wheat, 7.89 MMT of corn and 1.98 MMT of barley. That should draw a line under wheat exports until new crop, the prospects for which look very good at the moment.