Golf Competition

I've never seen the attraction myself, having been to far too many golf dinners where 95% of the attendees discuss in great, intricate and mind numbingly boring detail how unlucky they were to end up in the water at the 14th, the one with the tricky little dog-leg to the right.
Well despite my blind indifference, I'm willing to wager that quite a few of you reading this are regular niblick fondlers.
That's why I'm giving you the chance to win* a luxury golf break at a 5 star holiday let available for the 2013 British Open Golf Championships this summer (assuming we get one) Jul 14-21. Located in luxury self-catering holiday accommodation that sleeps 8 in North Berwick with the world renowned Muirfield championship course in Gullane right on your doorstep. Not literally for Christ's sake, I mean you might have to walk a bit you idle buggers, but come on you can't travel everywhere in one of them buggy things you know. I've seen you, at the airport, with you bad leg. There's nothing wrong with your leg, bone idle you are. Straight through to the front of the queue at check-in and then you hop up the stairs like a spring lamb you idle get. Anyway, I digress...
Wow, I can just see your 5 iron rising at the prospect of winning* this fabulous and exclusive prize. You'd have to be insane not to enter, right? Come on Nogger, just tell us what we have to do, I hear you implore.
Well, like you my dear reader, it's simple. All you have to do to enter is go here: I KNOW MY NIBLICKS and have a look at the website. If you fancy entering the draw to win* this luxury week away for the 2013 British Open Golf Championships then simply email the guy, sort out a price, agree to pay that price and with a bit of luck you might win* the holiday. But HURRY, because once it's gone, it's gone. There's probably a queue of idle fat buggers like you desperate to win* this MAGNIFICENT prize.
Terms and conditions apply, obviously. Like you have to tell him that you heard about it on Nogger's Blog. And he doesn't want any Cypriot bankers drafts, I imagine. Solid payment up front in Sterling would be good, but as he's a Jock he might accept the funny money that they use up there as well.
Best of luck.
*Win: verb 1. to finish first in a race, ie to be the first to agree to pay the price. I mean you didn't think I was giving it away did you? You muppet.
And DON'T forget to mention my name, Nogger. There's nowt in it form me, that's just for erm research purposes.