Chicago Closing Comments - Tuesday

Corn: The corn market closed higher, particularly on new crop, on ideas that 2-3 million US acres will still go unplanted this year. South Korea's NOFI bought 68 TMT of optional origin corn for October shipment along with 58 TMT of what was thought to be a first time Black Sea purchase for November shipment at what was said to be the cheapest price in more than a year. Michael Cordonnier estimated the US 2013 corn planted area at 94.3 million acres, down 3.0 million from the USDA estimate. He pegged the US 2013 corn yield at 153.0 bu/acre and estimated production at a record 13.26 billion bushels, both are unchanged from his previous estimate. AgriFood Canada estimated the Canadian corn crop at 13.8 MMT versus 13.1 MMT last year. Weekly US ethanol production data comes out tomorrow. Also due tomorrow are the latest US acreage estimates from Informa, last month they forecast the 2013 US corn area at 96.827 million acres versus the USDA estimate of 97.3 million. Chinese industry analysts estimated the 2012/13 Brazilian corn crop at 77.0 MMT, unchanged from their previous estimate. They forecast the Argentine corn crop at 24.0 MMT, also unchanged from previously. Jul 13 Corn closed at USD6.73 1/4, up 4 3/4 cents; Dec 13 Corn closed at USD5.50 1/2, up 12 cents.
Wheat: Jordan bought 100 TMT of optional origin wheat Sept/Oct shipment. The USDA attaché in Saudi Arabia estimated 2013/14 wheat production at 600,000 MT versus 780,000 MT in 2012/13. He pegged 2013/14 Saudi wheat imports at 2.5 MMT, up 13% from a year ago. ABARES estimated global wheat output at 690 MMT, up 5.3% from a year ago, but below the USDA's 696 MMT. They said that the FOB Gulf price of US HRW wheat is seen averaging USD315/tonne in the year starting July 1st versus a previous forecast of USD320/tonne and USD348/tonne in 2012/13. Japan tendered for 152 TMT of US, Canadian and Australian wheat but excluded US Western White Wheat for the fourth tender in a row on GMO concerns. AgriFood Canada estimated the Canadian all wheat crop at 29.4 MMT versus 27.2 MMT a year ago. The Russian and Ukraine barley harvest is underway and yields are said to be much higher than a year ago. ODA said that the French soft wheat crop is 67% good to excellent as of June 4th, up sharply versus the start of April when conditions were only 56% good to excellent. They said that expect the 2013 French soft wheat crop to be the largest since 2009. Jul 13 CBOT Wheat closed at USD6.87 1/2, up 7 cents; Jul 13 KCBT Wheat closed at USD7.19 1/4, up 5 1/2 cents; Jul 13 MGEX Wheat closed at USD7.99, down 1 1/4 cents.