Chicago Stumbles On Bearish USDA Data

Corn: The USDA shocked the trade by leaving their estimate for US corn plantings this year unchanged at 97.3 million acres. Many were expecting a 1-3 million acre cut, and they maybe still are. US yield potential this year was reduced slightly to 156.5 bu/acre, down 1.5 bu/acre from last month. Many others are in the 150-155 bu/acre camp. The USDA raised the old crop US ending stocks estimate by 10 million bushels to 769 million. The official 2013/14 US ending stocks estimate is now 1.949 billion bushels, with total production this year of just over 14 billion bushels (easily a record) versus most trade guesses in the 13.2-13.8 billion range. Jul 13 Corn closed at USD6.50 3/4, down 8 3/4 cents; Dec 13 Corn closed at USD5.37 1/2, down 13 1/4 cents.
Wheat: The wheat market was dragged lower by the USDA's forecast for what would easily be a record US corn crop this year. The USDA estimated US ending stocks for 2012/13 at 746 million bushels and at 659 million for 2013/14. Trade guesses were 744 million and 655 million respectively. They did however cut the world wheat crop and ending stocks in 2013/14 by around 5 MMT each. Russia had their output forecast cut to 54 MMT this year, although that's still at the high end of trade estimates. Ukraine's output was also reduced along with a minor downwards tweak for Europe. Jul 13 CBOT Wheat closed at USD6.83, down 13 3/4 cents; Jul 13 KCBT Wheat closed at USD7.16 1/2, down 13 1/2 cents; Jul 13 MGEX Wheat closed at USD8.06 1/4, down 9 1/2 cents.