Chicago Traders Eye Important Planting And Production Reports From USDA Next Week

Corn: Corn also rose, seeing the best gains coming in the deferred new crop months on continued heavy rains and planting delays in the Midwest. Monday night's crop progress report from the USDA is expected to show plantings at 93-95% done, up only marginally versus 91% as of last Sunday night. Weekend weather forecasts aren't friendly for much progress to me made in northern areas. "Over the next 5 days the latest GFS model has the heaviest rains falling from Central North Dakota to extreme Northern Montana and into Northwestern Illinois," say QT Weather. Consider though that even if we only end up with 95% of what was expected to be a 75-year high area get sown this year then that's still a respectable 92.4 million acres. Cut yields down to 155 bu/acre from the USDA's current 158 bu/acre and we could still end up with a record crop of almost 13.2 billion bushels allowing for a "normal" 8% abandonment rate. Informa estimated the US corn crop at 365.7 MMT, up more than 33% on last year. They have world output at a record 967 MMT, up 12.7%, with the EU crop rising 17.3% to 66.4 MMT (matching the 2004 record) and the Ukraine crop up 17.2% to a record 24.5 MMT. The Buenos Aires Grains Exchange said Argentina’s corn harvest is 61% complete, up from 54.7% a week ago and versus 64.8% a year ago at this time. They estimated production at 24.8 MMT, unchanged from last week. A consignment of 60 TMT of Argentine corn is en route to China, the trade is watching with great interest to see if it clears stringent Chinese quarantine rules OK. If it does it could be the first of many under a deal signed in February last year. It is probably not in China's best interests to reject the cargo, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they won't. The Mississippi river reopened a 5-mile stretch near St Louis, the river had been closed for 4 days due to high water. Ahead of next week's USDA report one trade survey estimated US corn production at 13.82 million bushels, versus 14.14 million last month. This season's ending stocks were forecast unchanged at 759 million bushels. The 2013/14 carryout is expected to come in at 1.830 billion bushels, down from 2.004 billion in May. Jul 13 Corn closed at USD6.66 1/4, up 3 cents; Dec 13 Corn closed at USD5.58 1/2, up 10 1/4 cents. For the week overall that puts nearby Jul 13 up 4 cents and Dec 13 down 8 3/4 cents.
Wheat: Nearby wheat closed modestly lower on all three exchanges. The window is rapidly closing for spring wheat planting, supporting prices in Minneapolis. US spring wheat planting was up just one point for the week to 80% done last Monday, and well behind the 5-year average of 92%. With another wet week behind it spring wheat planting may still only be around 83% done in Monday's upcoming report. Wheat production prospects elsewhere look pretty good though. Informa pegged the world wheat crop at a record 703.5 MMT, up 2.5 MMT on the USDA's May forecast and a 7.6% increase on last year with big gains seen coming from the Black Sea. The Buenos Aires Grains Exchange's weekly crop report estimated that 19.4% of their 2013/14 wheat crop is planted versus 9% a week ago and 11.1% a year ago. They estimated the wheat area at 3.9 million hectares, unchanged from their previous estimate. The Argentine Ministry say that plantings will rise from 3.16 million hectares last year to 4.0 million in 2013/14, an increase of 26.6%. A production increase of that magnitude would add almost 3 MMT to their crop next season, based on the USDA's estimate of 11.0 MMT in 2012/13. Looking ahead to Wednesday's WASDE report, the USDA had Kansas wheat production at 768 million bushels in its May Crop Production Report, down 236 million, or 23%, from 1.004 billion in 2012. The average trade guess for next week is 757 million bushels, from within a range of 675-815 million bushels. Early yield reports from Texas and Oklahoma are highly variable. The 2012/13 US wheat marketing year is now over. The USDA will need to reduce their forecast for US exports of 28 MMT in the year that has just ended, increasing beginning stocks for 2013/14. They may also revisit their projection for US exports of 25.5 MMT in 2013/14 in the face of much stronger competition from the Black Sea in the year ahead, and also reticence from Asian buyers to US wheat following the newly emerging GMO problems. Jul 13 CBOT Wheat closed at USD6.96 1/4, down 1 1/2 cents; Jul 13 KCBT Wheat closed at USD7.35, down 3 1/2 cents; Jul 13 MGEX Wheat closed at USD8.19 3/4, down 1/2 cent. For the week that puts Chicago wheat 9 1/4 cents lower, with Kansas down 16 cents and Minneapolis a quarter of a cent easier.