EU Rapemeal Prices

That will potentially support the bleatings on the European biodiesel industry (which can't make a profit otherwise), and create more demand for EU biodiesel not the dirty stinking stuff that the Argies keep sending us. Hence demand for home produced rapeseed and oil here will rise. Therefore we will produce more meal. Therefore the price of it will go up. It's all to do with the inverse crush basis fibonacci head and shoulders dead cat bounce. It's not a con. Repeat slowly after me...' There you go, we'll make a trader out of you yet sunshine! Bless, now off you go for that right-handed glass hammer.
Latest guide prices for EU rapemeal today, basis FOB Lower Rhine in euros/metric tonne, with change from previous trading session:
Oct13 |
Nov13/Jan14 |
Feb/Apr14 |
May/Jul14 |
Aug/Oct14 |
Nov/Jan14 |