Chicago Grains Closing Comments - Friday Night

Corn: The corn market also ended the day with little change, but finished higher for the week. As with beans, there wasn't a lot of fresh news out there, and any position squaring that traders needed to do ahead of Monday's reports looked like it had already been done earlier in the week. For corn, Monday's reports are expected to show March 1st US stocks of around 7 billion bushels, with 2014 plantings falling from 95.4 million acres last year (a 75-year high) to around 92.7-92.9 million this time round. The Buenos Aires Grains Exchange estimated the Argentine corn crop at 24.0 MMT versus a previous estimate of 23.5 MMT and the 2012/13 crop of 27 MMT. The Argentine Ag Ministry yesterday forecast the corn crop there at 29.8 MMT in their first estimate of the season. The Buenos Aires Grains Exchange estimated the Argentine corn harvest is 10% complete versus 7% a week ago and 18% a year ago. The Ukraine Ag Ministry said that Ukraine had exported 2.5 MMT of grains (mostly corn) between March 1-27th. They said that takes this season's exports to 26.9 MMT so far. CEC estimated South Africa’s 2014 corn crop at 12.955 MMT versus a previous estimate of 12.403 MMT. The latest Commitment of Traders report shows fund money continuing to add to their net long position in corn. They are now sitting on a net long of nearly 240k contracts. That's a pretty large position, and one that could leave the market vulnerable to a serious downside slump should they all decide to scramble for the exit at the same time. May 14 Corn closed at $4.92 and Jul 14 Corn closed at $4.96 1/4, both unchanged. For the week May 14 corn added 13 cents.
Wheat: The wheat market took a dive to end the week in appropriately choppy fashion. Yet, for the week as a whole we are virtually unchanged. Monday's USDA reports are expected to show US March 1st wheat stocks of around one billion bushels. US all wheat plantings are expected to come in at around 56.3 million acres. Spring wheat plantings might have the capacity to spring a surprise (no pun intended) given the recent strength in wheat prices following Russia's annexation of Crimea. The 2013 "other" spring wheat (excluding durum) area was 11.6 million acres, this is expected to rise to around 12.3 million this year, although some estimates are as high as 13.5 million. MDA CropCast yesterday raised their forecast for the 2014 US all wheat crop by 1.6 MMT due to increased spring wheat plantings and improved yield expectations. Algeria bought 250,000-300,000 MT of optional origin (possibly French) milling wheat for May/June shipment. Tunisia bought 50,000 MT of soft milling wheat and 25,000 MT of barley for Apr/May shipment. The origin was also optional but thought most likely to be sourced from the Black Sea. The USDA attaché in Brazil estimated their 2014/15 wheat area at 2.0 million hectares, down 9% from a year ago. This is in direct conflict to other estimates which forecast wheat plantings in Brazil rising this year as the crop potentially offers much better returns than safrinha corn. For example, the Secretary of Agriculture for the state of Parana estimate that the wheat acreage in the state will increase by 20% in 2014. The Commitment of Traders report shows managed money adding almost 12.5k contracts to the new net long position in CBOT wheat, leaving them net long of around 36.5k lots. May 14 CBOT Wheat closed at $6.95 1/2, down 15 cents; May 14 KCBT Wheat closed at $7.63 1/2, down 20 1/4 cents; May 14 MGEX Wheat closed at $7.39 3/4, down 14 1/2 cents. CBOT wheat added 2 1/4 cents for the week, with KCBT down 7 3/4 cents and MGEX shedding 3 1/2 cents.