US Grains Lower Across The Board

Corn: The corn market closed at 5-week lows, and well below the $4/bushel level. "Corn couldn’t follow through on the modest support experienced yesterday. Today’s price action hints at a top being formed," was Benson Quinn's opinion of today's action. The USDA announced 105,000 MT of US corn sold to unknown for 2014/15 shipment, but that news wasn't enough to save the day. Crude fell to new lows. The dollar remains firm, and recent weekly export sales continue to indicate that this is harming US export activity. Corn from Ukraine and South America is cheaper. The Ukraine Ministry said that they had exported 7.77 MMT of corn so far this season. Taiwan's MFIG bought 50,000 MT of optional origin (possibly US) corn for Feb-March shipment. Taiwan Sugar Corp are tendering for 23,000 MT of US corn. Tomorrow's weekly US ethanol production data will be particularly interesting, after last week's numbers offered evidence of the perils of ethanol trading at a premium to gasoline, with production down 23,000 barrels/day to 949,000 bpd, and stocks up 700,000 barrels to 18.8 million. After that we get Informa's take on 2015 US spring plantings due on Thursday. Mar 15 Corn is at $3.85 3/4, down 16 1/4 cents; May 15 Corn is at $3.93 1/2, down 16 1/2 cents.
Wheat: The wheat market closed lower for the fifth day in a row. Dollar strength continues to hamper US export ambitions, as indicated by the recent run of very poor weekly export inspections. Weakness in corn and soybeans didn't help today either. "Chatter regarding Ukraine limiting Jan and Feb sales to 200,000 MT made its way through the trade. Word is exporters have been asked to limit sales for Jan and Feb to 200,000 MT, while an assessment of their supply situation will be done in April," said Benson Quinn. Russia's wheat exports meanwhile are said to have dipped sharply in the first couple of weeks of January. This is partly due to bad weather, the observance of the Orthodox Christmas celebrations, and delays in getting the appropriate paperwork through. That doesn't bode well for traders trying to push through existing sales commitments before the introduction of the new export duty on Feb 1. Agritel forecast Russia's 2014/15 wheat exports at 18 MMT, which is 2 MMT lower than yesterday's revised downwardly estimate from the USDA, They said that 16.3 MMT of that had already been shipped by the end of December. Mar 15 CBOT Wheat is at $5.48, down 7 1/2 cents; Mar 15 KCBT Wheat is at $5.81 3/4, down 8 3/4 cents; Mar 15 MGEX Wheat is at $5.88 1/2, down 6 3/4 cents.