Chicago Reaction To USDA Report

Corn: The corn market closed around 5-6 cents higher following the USDA report. US corn ending stocks were pegged at 1,862 billion bushels versus trade ideas of 1,845 million. World stocks came in at at 209.81 MMT versus the average trade guess of 207.35 MMT. Brazil's corn crop was unchanged at 84 MMT and Argentina's was 1 MMT higher than previously expected at 28 MMT. Brazil's exports were unchanged (as were those from the US) and Argentina's increased 1 MMT to 20.5 MMT. EU imports were dropped 1 MMT to 15 MMT this season "on expectations that a greater use of wheat in feed rations curbs demand for corn. In addition, the pace of issuing import licenses has slowed in recent months." May 16 Corn settled at $3.62 3/4, up 6 cents; Jul 16 Corn settled at $3.65 1/2, up 5 3/4 cents.
Wheat: The wheat market closed around 3-5 cents higher. The USDA put US all wheat ending stocks at 976 million bu, very close to what was expected. Chinese wheat consumption took a 2 MT hit, whilst Europe's was boosted by more than 3 MMT. It might be "old crop" but the USDA keep finding a little bit more of it, with Europe's 2015/16 production raised by 1.5 MMT to a nice round 160 MMT. With EU-28 exports lowered 0.5 MMT to 32 MMT "on account of lagging export licenses and greater domestic usage." The net result of which is actually to decrease EU carryout this year from the 20.16 MMT predicted a month ago to 19.33 MMT this time round, although that's still a 40% increase compared to last season. Jul 16 CBOT Wheat settled at $4.58 3/4, up 4 1/2 cents; Jul 16 KCBT Wheat settled at $4.57 1/2, up 3 1/4 cents; Jul 16 MGEX Wheat settled at $5.23 1/2, up 5 1/2 cents.