Posted by Nogger - a legend in his own mind at 23:14 | Categorized as

16/02/11 -- World agri-weather highlights from
Martell Crop Projections:
- Strong warming in the United States bringing wheat out of dormancy, highs 60s hard red winter wheat area; Midwest snow rapidly melting; fields still frozen Upper Midwest; big rain event predicted next week in US Corn Belt
- Mato Grosso heavy rain continues, good for pod filling soybeans; reinforces forecast for record Brazil soy harvest; 7 day outlook drier South Brazil, soil still wet from last week heavy rainfall; no Brazil crop worries
- Argentina rain would be welcome, has been dry for one week; cool Feb temperatures a big help, holding evaporation down; forecast hopeful for showers Cordoba, La Pampa but dry in eastern grain belt
- Beneficial showers yesterday in western Europe; still not enough to relieve dryness central France, northern Spain, Italy; forecast wet, but when does it rain? Warmth western Europe a contrast to bitter cold Poland, European Russia
- Australia weather favourable for summer crops, Feb coolness favours summer crops South Australia, Victoria, southern New South Wales; heat wave in Western Australia, highs upper 90s F; rainy season due to start Apr-May
- Snow and rain showers again in China winter wheat area, mostly under .20 inch, scattered; winter rapeseed faring better, heavier rain; winter crops semi-dormant; much cooler this week; NE China corn-soy area still frozen
- Northern India showers again yesterday, beneficial for winter wheat; February heat has reached winter wheat, cooler forecast is beneficial; India subcontinent still way too hot highs over 90 F
- South Russia doing better with rainfall, heavy amounts past 30 days; cold temps keeping witner wheat dormant; excellent rain affecting Turkey, Russia Caucasus wheat areas, all good