The Early Vibe

USDA June 30th Planting Estimates:
Mln Acres | Avg Est | Range | USDA Prev | USDA 2010 |
All Wheat | 56.67 | 55.00-57.60 | 57.70 | 53.60 |
Corn | 90.77 | 89.50-91.50 | 90.70 | 88.19 |
Beans | 76.53 | 75.50-77.19 | 76.61 | 77.40 |
USDA Jun 1st Stock Estimates:
Product | Avg Est | Range | USDA Jun10 | USDA Mar 11 |
Wheat | 0.826 | 0.791-0.878 | 0.973 | 1.425 |
Corn | 3.302 | 2.998-3.515 | 4.310 | 6.523 |
Beans | 0.596 | 0.549-0.632 | 0.571 | 1.249 |
In other news Ukraine has harvested almost a million tonnes of grain to date with yields averaging 2.86 MT/ha compared to 2.51 MT/ha at the same time in 2010.
India is hinting that it may withdraw its ban of grain exports and could be prepared to sell 2 MMT of wheat and 1 MMT of rice.
The pound is down to 1.1050 against the euro, its lowest since March following the Greek austerity vote and further hints from ECB boss Jean-Claude Trichet that a eurozone interest rate rise is imminent.
Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou must be looking forward to the weekend, he's got to get another vote on the second phase of the austerity package through today.
Drought, what drought? Leading SE grain merchant GH Grain are reporting on barley being cut in Ashford in Kent yesterday coming in over the weighbridge at a very impressive 7 MT/ha.