Posted by Nogger - a legend in his own mind at 09:05 | Categorized as weather

30/06/11 -- World agri-weather highlights from the excellent
Martell Crop Projections:
- Midwest cool weather will rapidly end; highs near 90 F are predicted Friday through the weekend; Midwest corn-soybean fields are flooded after a deluge of rain the past 2 weeks; a stretch of heat and sunshine will encourage drying; Mid South crop potential is on the rise with increased rain; June has been very hot in the Mid South; crops are burning up in Texas-Oklahoma-Southern Kansas with historic drought and incredible heat
- Abnormally cool conditions coming to South Brazil, Paraguay; Parana and Rio Grande do Sul expecting frost; mid 30s occurred overnight in northern Argentina, Uruguay with scattered frost; cool front is pushing north, setting off showers in Paraguay and Rio Grande do Sul; very heavy rain anticipated in Parana state with a stalled cool front
- Heat wave under way in Western Europe; highs Tuesday 98-100F in Spain, mid 90s France, upper 80s F Germany; 3rd straight day of intense heat; source region for hot air was northern Africa; strong cooling is underway; below- normal temperatures expected balance of the week in Western Europe; not much rain, however; very wet forecast in Eastern Europe; rain needed Baltic countries, Belarus, with a hot forecast
- Western Australia getting generous rain, from .30 to .65 inch yesterday, 1.5 to 2.5 inches the past week; rain badly needed for newly sown wheat after a very dry May; cool forecast ahead, ideal for wheat development; field moisture running low in southeastern Australia, Victoria, southern New South Wales; roughly half of normal rainfall the past 30 days; forecast not real hopeful for rain the next 7 days
- China corn-soybean are becoming very dry in June; very low rainfall the past 3 weeks in Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia, Jilin; crops with shallow roots may be suffering moisture stress ; new forecast for next week looks wetter; hot temperatures prevailed yesterday, highs in the 90s F; North China Plain is expecting heavy rain in Jiangsu, Anhwei, Henan; rain is badly needed after a dry spring in this key peanut, cotton, corn area; no major weather problems in central and South China; drenching June rains reversed a serious drought in Yangtze Valley
- Monsoon has brought heavy rain to northern Pakistan, NW India, the Ganges Plain, northeast India rice area, Madhya Pradesh in central India; no complaints about ample June rain in mentioned areas; elsewhere, conditions are dry and hot; highs over 100 F occurred yesterday in central Pakistan, western India; the key peanut and cotton growing areas in central-southern India are dry; still waiting for the monsoon to begin in earnest; weather forecast next week once again calls for rain in the more northern areas and persistent dryness in the south
- Ukraine heavy rain has boosted summer crops; recurring showers the past 2 weeks added up to 3-4 inches, locally more in central Ukraine; wonder if rain was too late for winter wheat and rapeseed; very severe drought occurred March-May, capped off by May heat wave; a little rain has reached Russia Black Earth, not enough to cure ailing crops; incredibly dry spring -early summer has damaged Black Earth winter wheat, yields expected to be low; best crops in Russia are in the Volga; small grains barley and wheat are getting ready to head out; GFS model forecasts a heat wave and hardly any rain the next week; would be detrimental for the yield; Kazakhstan June growing conditions have been ideal, very wet and cooler than normal; just the opposite of last year's severe drought and heat