Cutting Edge Stuff This

"Assuming it typically takes three minutes to shave both legs and women do so on average three times a week...In a family with three women all shaving, they would use enough water in 12 months to fill a small swimming pool."
Bugger me someone's been busy with the calculator in the office haven't they? I'm a fairly typical bloke I reckon, and I can honestly say I've never shared a household with three leg-shavers, have you? No, thought not. It also makes the wild assumption that you aren't married to Heather Mills doesn't it?
And how big is this swimming pool that I haven't got as well? I mean is it big enough to swim in, hence the name, or are we talking more of a plunge pool? Or a decent sized jacuzzi? I mean given the choice I'd go for the jacuzzi, like my old mate Nomani Nomani here. Only I'd probably prefer to share mine with Naomi, no offence Nomani, you're probably not bothered as you'll be on the blower to Russia buying wheat and sorting your "expenses" out.
This must however explain why eco-warrioress MrsN#1 never bothered whipping the old Bic out in the shower. I used to have to take the strimmer to her bikinin line whilst I was sorting the garden out every summer. Still, fair play to her, she did get that role as stunt stand-in for Clyde in Every Which Way But Loose which was a nice little earner.
I haven't seen her for years now, I must pop into Paignton Zoo with a few bananas next time I'm down in Devon just to see how she's getting on, bless.