Chicago Close - Monday

Corn: May 12 Corn closed at USD6.08, unchanged; Dec 12 Corn closed at USD5.05 1/2, up 1/4 cent. Corn managed to fare better than soybeans in today's rout on unwinding of spreads that were short corn and long soybeans. The USDA said that corn planting is now 87% complete, versus 66% normally. Emergence is also well ahead of the normal pace at 56% compared with 28% on average. With planting nearing completion the market will soon start to focus on US weather conditions, thus far they have been pretty benign. If we are heading into an El Nino weather pattern then it is possible that we may end up with the record 166bu/acre yields that the USDA are currently factoring in.
Wheat: May 12 CBOT Wheat closed at USD5.97 3/4, up 5 cents; May 12 KCBT Wheat closed at USD6.05 1/2, up 4 1/2 cents; May 12 MGEX Wheat closed at USD7.41 1/4, unchanged. Given the large fund short that already exists in wheat it too managed to fare better than soybeans on the day. The USDA cut their wheat ratings, dropping the percentage of the crop said to be good/excellent from 63% last week to 60% this week. Top wheat producing state Kansas had a dry week which saw its good/excellent rating cut from 60% last week to 52% this time round. The winter wheat crop remains very forward at 72% headed compared with 46% in a normal year. Spring wheat plantings are 94% complete versus 64% normally.