Is The Arse About To Fall Out Of The Potash Market?

In lieu of not having a picture of potash in my files, I've been forced, as a last resort, to use a picture of a Brazilian ladies derriere instead, much as I am loath to come across as some sort of sexist deviant who thinks of women as little more than stupid bimbo sex objects.
According to an article in the Daily Bellylaugh the arse might be about to fall out of the world potash market following a bit of a spat between Uralkali and its Belarus-based partner Belaruskali, who between them control almost half of the world market for potash, they say.
The notion that prices could fall 25% as a result of the tiff appears to subliminally suggest that prices have been deliberately inflated wouldn't it? I can't believe that this sort of thing goes on, surely?
Read all about it here: The end of the (potash) world is nigh
My eternal thanks to Tim Porter at GH Grain by the way for the "send your buddy some titties" email this morning, which I will be pleased to pass onto the first ten people to request it. Male of female, just to prove there's no bias here, not on this blog.