Chicago Grains Drift Lower On Lack Of Bullish News

Corn: Corn closed a little lower. Weekly US ethanol production came in at a close to record 1.028 million barrels per day last week. As with beans as the ProFarmer crop tour progresses better yield potential is being unearthed. IMEA report that 4.2% of the Mato Grosso, Brazil, corn acreage has been abandoned due to hot and dry conditions. Sep 16 Corn closed at $3.27 1/2, down 1 cent; Dec 16 Corn closed at $3.36 1/4, down 1 cent.
Wheat: Wheat closed mostly lower, with Chicago wheat hitting fresh contract lows. Bullish news is lacking, save for the demise of the French crop, but that is old hat now. There's no shortage elsewhere as Stats Canada helped point out yesterday. The Russian Ag Ministry said that this year's harvest was 59.1% complete at 86.9 MMT. That includes 58.9 MMT of wheat off 62.6% of the planned area, along with 15.2 MMT of barley (73% of plan). Sep 16 CBOT Wheat closed at $4.04, down 3 3/4 cents; Sep 16 KCBT Wheat closed at $4.07 3/4, up 1/2 cent; Sep 16 MGEX Wheat closed at $5.01 3/4, down 8 cents.